A teacher asked how do you get the students to be quiet? One teacher successfully used a signal for Quiet Time and they would be quiet.
I find that with today’s students expecting to rate everything and give their opinion, it is more challenging than ever. I really had to have a stern talk with myself – do I want them to be quiet or do I want them to be with me, focused on me, and joining in?
I use transition videos. I make a flipchart for each class. I make a slide for each activity and my students are trained to look at the board when ever they are unsure. I insert musical videos in between activities so the students sing the transition rather than talk during the transition.
They sing cleaning up the room when the video comes on.
They sing taking out their assignment books.
They sing about what they learned today…all available in seven different languages. Here is the English. Add the daily flip chart (I call it a daily tech guide in my book) and this should keep them doing what you want them to be doing.
But if you need to be harsh to gain control of the class, read my blog, Regain Control of that Difficult Class.
ENglish End of Class from ellen shrager on Vimeo.