This question was asked by a very smart new teacher – here is this veteran’s response.
- While in the hall I play the corresponding day of the week song – see shorts below.
- As the bell rings I signal students with the start of class which quiets them down.
- I have a slide with greeting what I say to them and what they say to me (see my daily tech guide first day for ideas on this)
- I have a slide for what they say to one another so they can vary their responses – they turn to their partner and greet one another.
- I have a slide with date – yup we have a transition video for that, see below, and we sing the attendance song, up they can tell me who is absent because of the video.
- I show them the list in English of what we are doing today and why and say it in Spanish.
- So far with my Spanish 1 we have used Spanish exclusively. Their endorphins are flowing with all the music which they can’t resist singing.
- They see the preclass
- We sing saquen la tarea song and I check homework while they check their answers and I go around to each one and build a bit of rapport with them and use English
- We start our daily review using the repaso song and we are off and running.