2020 Update – Distance Learning Day 1 Lesson
Day 1 First Day of Spanish One with 90% Target Language and 100% Comprehensible Input
day 1 2017xxxxxx from ellen shrager on Vimeo.
The first day of school can be magical. The students are dressed in their best clothes, best hair styles and high expectations matched with their high energy level. This lesson had a few bumps in it where the students didn’t quite know what to do and five changes were made as noted below. Today they learned:
- How to greet the teacher at the beginning of class.
- Learned about the number in my class and their assigned seats.
- How to do introduce themselves and inquire about someone’s name.
- How to do a paired activity switching between Role A and Role B.
- Learned the difference between ‘Me gusta” and “No me gusta” and to move to the designated spot in the room based on their preferences.
- Learned how to do the homework and read the “tarea” sheet.
With the new revisions, this lesson can be saved and is ready for next year.
Also look at the this Post, Spanish Greetings First Week Lessons, for more information.
Here is a video of Day 2 with my comments and updates in 2016
Today the students knew where to sit, and were encouraged to look at the board to determine what they needed to take out for this class.
The drill from yesterday went smoothly and they learned my system for introducing vocabulary. They were amazed that I could anticipate their questions with my slides on surprises and answer their questions about punctuation before they were asked.
They learned four more survival expressions in context.
Once we had practice our pair speaking activities, learned about this evening’s homework , and explained how to do the activity, we only had time for a few students. Fast Day. When I showed the students the pack up page, they were all startled. One asked “Why?”
Something sweet and unusual happened. A student gave me a container of lysol wipes. What? I thought maybe he had a repressed immune system? I didn’t remember reading that about him and must have looked puzzled. This thirteen year old explained to me that his mom is a teacher. She knows we love wipes. She told him to give it to his most interesting class teacher. It was me!
Today’s DTG went without a hitch. The students looked at the board to determine what they needed.
They could make the connection between being ready and the pencils being ready
I checked homework while the students used new survival phrases to make a paired partner activity.
We spent most of the class finishing up the ‘get to know you’ activity. Having their responses on the board helped to speed it up.
No new homework as it is Friday and a weekend. We ended watching the alphabet video.
Once we were done, a few students commented that they were glad that we had done work the first two days while their other classes did get acquainted activities because they were feeling overwhelmed and this was such a relaxed class ending the first week on a high note.
While learning how to use tú and usted, a story broke about a reporter inappropriately using ‘tú” with the King of Spain.
IF you are interested in making your own, here is the link to the template.