At our recent 20th anniversary celebration some younger friends asked my husband the key to being a good husband. He told them, “It only took me 6 years to learn to first ask her if she still needs a safe place to vent or if she wants some suggestions, before I give my suggestions.”
A good, reflective teacher recently posted the following frustrations with her first assessment:
Our pacing guide is that we complete a chapter every two weeks. My purpose is not to fail the kids but they need to learn how to study. I had a section of multiple choice I had a listening section I had a part where they were given a situation and they had the right the appropriate greeting or farewell and… they had to answer questions. I’m just amazed that on the reading section the answers were written almost exactly as the multiple-choice fill in the blank and they were still unable to pick the right answer. I had three kids that didn’t realize we were doing the listening section although I told them we were doing the listening section and I played the tape twice. We had even done almost the same activity before the test as TPR I also had kids that didn’t flip over their paper. I know the kids have changed because they are a different generation but it seems like it’s getting hopeless. Are any of you experiencing this?
My response is to first vent:
I know, I know! Welcome to the visual generation!
Then to problem solve:
We have to teach the kids in front of us – their parents aren’t keeping the better ones at home in a closet for holidays or for next year’s teachers! An unintended consequence of technology is that children in our country expect a visual. I am a voracious reader but when taking an online course I was offered the choice of a PDF to read or a video and yup, I learned faster from the video! So here is a 3 minute video with my suggestions:
snip tool for windows 10 snip tool for windows 7 just need first 90 seconds