August 2016 Note:
I took to heart some feedback that when printed, it was fuzzy. I made everything in black and white and increased the size of the English as a recent teacher suggested. I hope you like the changes, but if not, I have the original one as well all in word and pdf for both ‘puedo’ and ‘me permite’ in a zipped file.
I’ve also expanded this line and have added a
36 slide musical PowerPoint Slideshow of 15 – 50
a fourteen minute video of the musical powerpoint slideshow
a fourteen minute audio of the 36 jingles
and everything in a bundle
Original Message from 2014:
I teach my students 50 slides of classroom survival phrases by chunking them into four categories. They are available for purchase in PowerPoint to be printed and used on your wall as well embedded in your lessons. If you purchase the survival PowerPoint you can make changes that fit you. You can then copy, paste, and shrink each square onto a grid and create your own student desk paper, and not purchase this.
This sheet of slides shows #15-50 – mostly the student-initiated phrases. It can’t be changed as the pictures are fixed.
I make a copy for each desk, and laminated them with a stiff lamination pouch that has a tear-off film on the bottom that is sticky so it stays on the desk. They last about a month – at which point the students have learned the phrases. I also have the slides from the PowerPoint laminated on the wall as a visual reminder when they no longer have them on the desks.
There are three pages in the PDF. The original, the updated with larger boxes using “puedo” , and the updated with larger boxes using “me permite”. Use which ever one works best for you.
These are in PDF but my husband pointed out that the Word document is a tad crisper and so I have included them in a zip file.,
I also have these as pairing cards so that they can find their partner of the week.