I’ve written on TPT why I love textivate, on this blog about when half the class is missing, when I use it in a lap book on countries and capitals, and when students are writing the first paragraph about themselves for a PBA.
Recently, on the FB page for Spanish Teachers, the question was asked about teaching writing.
Then, on the listserv FLTEACH, the question was asked about teaching spelling.
For this veteran Spanish One teacher, the answer is that students must read before they write. Textivate motivates them to read and then write and spell.
We use the Chrome book cart for this, but some days I have more students than working Chromebooks and the students use their phones. When I wrote this on FLTeach, I mentioned that I had made a video of using textivate on the phone. Since many have asked me to forward the video to them, I am putting it here. I know I am just scratching the surface of all it can do, and it is worth using. Here is a brief video of using it on the phone:
This is the link to the textivate in the video.
This is the link to subscribe – You want the Premium which runs about $135 per 10 teachers per school and about $55 per individual depending on the pound and the dollar. I don’t know much about basic which is about $27.