I wish taxpayers who begrudge our summer break could see all of the June posts popping up on Facebook as World Language Teachers research and plan for the new school year.
Many posts ask how to make a level one class 100% comprehensible so that both teachers and students can stay in the target language.
I’ve always addressed this in pieces but it’s time to put it all three steps together as teachers recharge and envision the way they want their classes to run.
Incorporate these three steps and you will have your 90% Target Language class . . . and superior classroom management.
- Make a daily tech guide – it can be in PPT, ActiveInspire, Classflow, SmartNotebook, GoogleSlides, whatever works for you.
Create a slide for each activity and use a remote presentation device or remote mouse so you can click through the slides from any spot in the room, say near the students who go off task most frequently. Click here to download the first day and see videos of the first week to give you an idea.
My book describes it in more detail.
Other bundles are also Spanish Lessons here..
2. Use transition videos before each slide to keep the students on task and in the target language.
See them here. Spanish available here.
3. Use direct instruction to teach students 50 survival phrases set to music. Include the matching posters and desk reference sheet – focusing on the student – to – student slides so that they know how to talk to one another in the target language.
See them here. Available here.